This coming week is marked by All Saints Day on Friday, November 1. Masses for the Holy Day are at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM at Saint Agnes, and 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM and 12:00 noon at Saint Mary. There is no vigil Mass on Thursday, October31. All Souls envelopes are at the doors of both churches for those who wish. Names submitted will be remembered throughout the month of November.

The annual appeal letter for Precious Blood Parish has gone out. If you did not receive one, please contact the rectory to make sure you are a registered parishioner. All registered parishioners were mailed a letter and a response card for the parish annual appeal.

Many thanks to all who serve our parish in so many ways. We are truly blessed with volunteers who serve as ushers, greeters, Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, and singers at our liturgies. We are additionally blessed with those who serve as funeral planners, guides for those preparing for Baptism, and teachers of religious education. Our Deacon John Rigley Food Pantry, our Helping Hands Hurting Hearts Ministry for young mothers and newborns, and so many others serve those truly in need. You and so many others contribute to the life of our parish, and we cannot thank you all enough.

As we approach the month of November, we keep in mind our belief in the “Communion of Saints”. We are part of the Communion of Saints, because we are joined through Christ to God’s holy things and God’s holy people. (Catechism of the Catholic Church) We are never closer to those who have gone before us than when we gather to celebrate Eucharist together. Join us in worship each week, as you join with your loved ones in the Communion of Saints. God Bless.

