Very few of us appreciate change in our lives be it thrust upon us by forces outside ourselves and beyond our control or the results ofour own sinful folly. Yet, we all know that change is a constant in our lives whether it erupts abruptly or slowly encases our being or environment. The time for my departure from Precious Blood Parish has come. When this assignment was given to me, I was told that itwould be temporary. I had indeed hoped that it could be different. Yet, I am grateful for the opportunity to have met each of you which would not have happened had I been sent elsewhere. Thank you forallowing me to serve you here and for sharing your faith with me. I thank Father Donahue for welcoming my ministry here and Father Lijo for his friendship. I also thank the Deacons and Staff for their support. My thoughts upon leaving Milford may be perhaps best be expressed by quoting a church leader of another time and place:

“What drew me closest to my brothers was the delight of chatting and laughing together; of showing our affection for one another by kindly services; of reading together from books that spoke of pleasant things; of joking together amicably; of disputing now and then but without resentment, as one is wont to do with himself; of awakening by rare contest the pleasure of being one in mind; of mutually instructing one another; of longing for the absent one and of tasting joy at his return. We loved each other with all our hearts, and these marks of our friendship that were shown in our faces, by our voices, in our eyes and a thousand other ways were among us like ardent flames that fused our souls together, and of many made but one.”
- ~Saint Augustine

Good bye Dear People of Precious Blood Parish. I shall remember you in my prayers and ask that you remember me in yours.